প্যারিস হিলটনের ইসলাম গ্রহণ বিষয়ক খবর যে আসলে নেহাতই তামাশা ছিলো, তা মুসলমান ভাই-বোনেরা এখনও বুঝে উঠতে পারেনি। এখনও পর্যন্ত (!!!) এ নিয়ে উচ্ছ্বাস চলছেই (প্রাসঙ্গিক পোস্ট)। সেই সাইট থেকেই মুসলিমদের করা প্রায় ৭০০ মন্তব্য থেকে মণিমুক্তোগুলো বেছে নিয়েছি ধর্মকারীর পাঠকদের জন্য।
মজার কথা এই যে, অসংখ্য মন্তব্যে অমুসলিমরা এবং কয়েকজন মুসলিমও বারবার বলেছে এই খবরে বিশ্বাস না করতে। স্পষ্ট উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে, এই সাইটের সব সংবাদই মজা করার জন্যে।
কিন্তু ওই যে বিশ্বাসী জোশ! যুক্তি-প্রমাণ-তথ্যের ধার তা ধারে না।
মন্তব্যগুলো মন দিয়ে পড়ে দেখার পরামর্শ আমাকে দিয়েছিলেন Suirauqa। তাঁকে ধন্যবাদ।
> Paris If u read this I am boy who want to marry u . I can come 2 America or u come to Syria. Masha Allah u mak me so happy u are now muslim. My family own a shop we sell elicric applianse like TV, DVD machin and also Air Conditoner. Please email me [email protected] I will come 2 u in the night and show u real lovin; In my house we have room where we can stay and I treat u nice!
> Her life was perfect already. But she couldn't feel happy, Since she recognized that her life is just like a game. And I think she was enough smart to know, What she was going to do. God shone her heart with light of Aeslam.
> All praise and glory be to Allah.
Surely He guide whom ever He wants to guide and send astray whom ever He wants
Inchallah paris hilton is Tahirah, I pray G-d to forgive all of her sins He is the All-Powerful, and All-Forgiven.
> Allahamd-ul-llah welcome sister for get every thing your back just think about future may ALLAH SWT give you long life..... Subhannullah
> I'm Egyptian and I spent 18 days during our revolution not believing that we can make it but what Paris has done is more impressive for me. She has everything that human-being desire, money, fame and beauty and she decided to choose Islam. Wow
My message for you is whatever you've done before became past once you become a true Muslim and all the bad things you've done converted to good things in your record as Allah said.
> What is wrong with that? she wants to bring the world together, like Princess Diane. Look at the end of their life style and learn from it.
> she did to many things bad in her life
she had sex with 4 guys
> God forgive everyone who want to be forgiven by Him. Would you like Allah (God) to forgive you?
> This is the best news ive heard so far Good For You Paris or should i say Tahira
> I'm really happy for you paris that allah shows u the rights way
And may allah protected you and gives you the happiness in the life and
In aljna and if you need any help I'm your brother in islam
> A warm welcome to sister Hajira (Paris Hilton) for converting to islam. People will talk rubbish actually they are not talking their satan is talking, people don't forget that everyone has his/her past, that doesn't mean that he/she will never be blessed by hidayah of Allah!!! Remember Allah (SWA) has all powers.. Take it this way actually it's a reminder to all muslims that see you all if I(Allah) want to gift hidayah i can give to anyone..
> Welcome to islam paris hilton and don't give a damn about thous stopid comments just try it and you'll see a big deferante in your life so happy for you
> eventouhgt there are many statment declare that this is a hoax news................we think it a real news guy......
by coverting of paris hilton to islam, may all of holywood actor trust and follow her desire
> Al Hamdullah, you got the best chance even better than the muslem, because you just born right now , because the ISLAM WIPE WHATEVER BEFORE, Congratulations .
> Alhamdulillah,
Allah provide strenth on this path, have a better life sis tahirah.assalammualaikum, bye.
> I want to give a name suggestion for Paris!!
Ayesha!! Or Khadija!!
> alhamdulillah, wa laa ilaaha illa Allah!
> Masha Allah, See, how fortunate she is!!! She is one of the chosen one though Allah allowed her to stray. Really she is very fortunate, Allah protected her from the hell fire. Masha Allah . May Allah give peace and beauty at her heart.Ameen
> Heartiest congratulations my sister in Islam, you look like angle in veil, but you will be much better than angle if you practice this religion as explained by Prophet Muhammad, may Allah peace be upon him. May God bless you ever.
> Bravo Hilton, Allahu Akbar... Actually since 3 years ago, I predicted someone who famous star will convert to Islam like Jacko, Tyson, The Big Mouth M. Ali... and now Paris Hilton ... a miracle will happen again... Let us see, we gonna wait lots of miracle famous star will convert to Islam ????
Subhanallah ... Allahu Akbar ... Allahu Akbar ... Allahu Akbar ....
> her statements after coming to Islam really made me teary in joy and in the oneness of Allah.. masha'Allah! alhamdulillah!
> Alhamdullilai kebira..........this is what we we have always wanted.....and inshallah all of them will convert 2 islam....amin..
> assalamualaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!
To be honest when I first heard this wonderful news I was stunned and couldn't wait to go online and confirm but gradually I realised this to be one of the signs of Allah [SWT]'s mercy on HIS creation and especially our lovely sister Tahirah. Welcome, my dear sister to the religion of peace as you rightly put it. Insha Allah may our Lord, God and Creato make your journey into Islam a barakah for you and your family and may HE make it easy for you to achieve all you've set your mind to do and so much more. Amin. Truly no one but Allah or by HIS power can fight for ISLAM AND THE TRUTH IS ALWAYS OPEN FOR ALL TO SEE.
> Mashallah. She is a pure women now, God forgiven her for all her sins.
> Shu'kur alhamdullilah.. She is now part of our family. No one has the rights to question sins and wrong doings, expect for the greatest, Allah S.W.T. Amin..
> Very true, Allah alone has the right and power to judge, but I am not, Convinced dat she isn't using this as a publicity stunt. "Islam is the must Have religion, forget Kabalah and sceintology" pls doesn't that sound like she went to buy a bag or shoe. Islam is not an adventure, it is a way of life I really hope she is for real cos it won't be funny otherwise.
> Allahu Akbhar. May this be an eye opener to others.
> I have been using her sex video for long time now and I feel it is Haram to use it anymore. Her sex video is all over the internet and it shows her doing unholy things to a mans cock. How cn she be truth to Islam?
> Alhamdulillah. Everythin is in d heart. If she is doin it wit true faith then may Allah d merciful guide us all. We are not in a position to judge others for only Allah can do dat.
> Paris, I am very happy for you. I use to have ur nud video but now i have deleted it. and i will advice anyone having it should please delete it and as for paris forgivness. Paris forgive me and this should also serve as a lession to the rest of the World. Allah is Great.
> nice , no more blowjobs please
> Welcome to Islam sister Taahira, may ALLAH accept you and grant u strength in propagating Islam in the United States. Maasha Allah your face is now full of NOOR.
> Wallah i had prayed fo tis woman a year back dat may Allah bless her wid eeman n 1 more dua wen i saw her on d newz papr "TOI" Alhumdulilah half f d dua hz cum true!!!! ALHUMDULILAH!!!! May Allah Bless u n kep u sted fast on d right path!!!! Ameen!
> u r lucky paris,hell fire will not catch u,before being too late u r in wright path.
> MaashaALLah, hope Britney Spears will be the next.... Cheer up sister, Islam is the religion of peace. May Allah, strengthen your faith and expand your love to the muslims.
অ-মুসলিমদের মন্তব্যও ছিলো বেশ কিছু। অন্তত দুটোর কথা উল্লেখ না করলেই নয়!
> Why are Muslims so gullible? They'll believe anything if it's in their favor. If Paris H has seen the light of Islam, the end of the world is truly around the corner, wake up!!! She's not a Muslim and she'll never be one! This is a satirical newspaper, if you people believe this news, I bet you believe there's halal pig.
> God's grace! now, her porn video become Halal.
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