আল্যা সর্বব্যাপী – তিনি বরাহেও আছেন, বিষ্ঠাতেও আছেন # আল্যা সর্বব্যাপী – তিনি বোরখাতেও আছেন, বিকিনিতেও আছেন # আল্যা সর্বব্যাপী – তিনি জলাশয়েও আছেন, মলাশয়েও আছেন # আল্যা সর্বব্যাপী – তিনি উটমূত্রেও আছেন, কামসূত্রেও আছেন # আল্যা সর্বব্যাপী – তিনি আরশেও আছেন, ঢেঁড়শেও আছেন # আল্যা সর্বব্যাপী – তিনি হাশরেও আছেন, বাসরেও আছেন

বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৬ জুন, ২০১১

প্যাট্রিক কন্ডেল: আমাদের লোক – ৩৮

আজকে তাঁর আলোচ্য বিষয় - ইসলামী সাংস্কৃতিক সন্ত্রাসবাদ।  

বরাবরের মতোই তিনি স্পষ্টভাষী, যুক্তিনিষ্ঠ। পলিটিক্যাল কারেক্টনেসের তোয়াক্কা করেন না বলে সুশীলতাপন্থীদের অনেকেই তাঁকে অপছন্দ করে। তাতে কিচ্ছু এসে যায় না। সত্যকথনে আহত ও পীড়িত বোধ করে যারা, তাদেরকে গুরুত্ব দেয়ার প্রয়োজন আছে বলে মনে হয় না। 

আজকের ভিডিওতে তাঁর বক্তব্য প্রায় পুরোটাই উদ্ধৃতিযোগ্য। এবং সেটাই করলাম। 

Anyone criticising the religion of peace is likely to be accused of stirring up hatred, although I prefer to think of it as stirring up common sense, which appears to have sunk without trace in recent years to the bottom of a swamp of political correctness. 

Besides, if you really want to stir up hatred you just have to open a copy of the Koran and start preaching. 

... you can talk about a religion of peace all you like, but you're not supported by scripture. You say peace, the scripture says war, and the religion says conquest and domination.

Anyone who criticises Islam publicly can expect to be threatened with physical violence. If that's not terrorism, then what is it? In the world of the cultural terrorist, if you oppose the oppression of women and minorities you're an enemy of religious freedom, if you despise violent superstition you're a racist, and if you reject religious totalitarianism you have a mental illness. Let me tell you something, when you get to the stage where anyone criticising your beliefs is automatically deemed to have a mental illness, that is a sure sign of mental illness.

The word 'Islamophobia' is cultural terrorism in action.

The world 'Islamophobia' is pure political opportunism and pure cultural terrorism, intended, like all terrorism, to intimidate people, in this case into shame and silence, and I think that anyone in the West who uses that word for any reason other than to ridicule it should seriously examine their conscience, especially if they're female or gay.

'Racist' used to be a powerful word that would have stopped any civilised person in their tracks, but now when I hear it my initial reflex is to think less of the person using it and to wish they would invest in a dictionary to save embarrassing themselves any further.

Two thousand young girls in Britain were genitally mutilated last year, a crime that's supposed to carry a fourteen year prison sentence.Nobody has been prosecuted because police and social workers don't want to cause offence and damage community relations. How thoughtful. How sensitive. Damaging a few thousand young girls, on the other hand, or should I say maiming them for life, is apparently a price worth paying for community cohesion, or should that be cultural terrorism?

The relentless erosion of free speech we've witnessed in recent years has been achieved through Islamic cultural terrorism. In other words, by the threat of a violent response. Free speech used to mean you can say what you like as long as it's true. Now, thanks to cultural terrorism, it means you can say what you like as long as it doesn't offend Muslims, as people all over Europe are finding out to their cost. Islam doesn't like free speech because Islam is afraid of the truth, and with good reason...

Everything about this wretched religion violates everything we believe in. We'd have to be stupid not to dislike it, and we'd have to be crazy to respect it. And no, we don't need to be educated about Islam. We already know more about it than we want to know, and we know enough to wish we had never heard of it.

And that is one hundred percent the fault of Islam, the religion of aggressive intolerance; the religion of phoney grievances, tantrums, violent threats, and more tantrums; the religion of cultural terrorism. 

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