বুধবার, ২৩ মে, ২০১২

শরিয়ার স্বরূপ


1. Somebody who goes to live in other peoples countries but refuses to integrate with or tolerate their way of life. At the same time they demand we tolerate them and make all the changes to accomodate their stoneage way of life. 
Not all muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists are muslims.

2. A religion well known for their acts of terror on infadels...

অভিধান একেবারেই ভুল বলেনি। ঠিক এই কথাগুলোর প্রতিফলন পাওয়া গেল এক ইসলামবাজের বক্তব্যে। তার কথা থেকে জানুন, শরিয়া আইনে মানবাধিকার বস্তুটি কী, কেন মুসলিমরা অ-মুসলিমদের চেয়ে সর্বাংশে শ্রেয় এবং মুসলিমরা যে দেশেই যাক না কেন, সেখানে তারা বলপূর্বক ইসলাম প্রতিষ্ঠা করবে কেন, কেন মুসলিম পুরুষ ভিন্ন ধর্মের মেয়েকে বিয়ে করতে পারবে, কিন্তু ভিন্ন ধর্মানুসারী পুরুষ মুসলিম নারীকে বিয়ে করার অধিকার পাবে না... উত্তর আসলে একটাই: নবীজি দিয়ে গেছে তেমন নির্দেশনা।

ইসলামের মহান শান্তির বাণী শুনুন।

চুম্বক অংশগুলোর ট্র্যান্সক্রিপ্ট দেয়া হলো। ফলে ভিডিও না দেখলেও একটি ধারণা অন্তত পাওয়া যাবে।

Omar Bakri: The shari'a has defined human rights for Muslims and for non-Muslims. The non-Muslim has chosen not to accept the judgments of Allah. Therefore, yes, his rights differ from those of a Muslim. say that they are not equal...
... Islam gave rights to man, in order to satisfy his needs and take care of his affairs. Muslims and non-Muslims who have previously made a peace treaty or a dhimmi pact, are equal when it comes to citizenship. In other words, they are the same. The Islamic state and the Islamic shari'a, when governed thereby, guarantee their political needs, as shelter, food, clothing, security, education, and health care, for they are under the care of the Islamic state. However, this equality does not mean that you are exactly like us. Yes, a non-Muslim under the Islamic shari'a cannot have any rights except those which Allah has legislated for him. Allah has legislated that he may have his belief, religion, clothes, and everything which is needed by all citizens, Muslim or non-Muslim. Now the Muslim has greater rights and respect because he is Muslim, for Islam is above others, and never below, so the Muslim is above others, and never below. 

I don't believe in the equality of man, because men are not equal in the eyes of Allah. He commanded us to not make them equal. For example, I have the right to marry a Christian or Jewish girl, but it is not permissible for a Jewish man to marry a Muslim girl. This is correct. I am not calling for equality. 
When I go to Britain or Europe, I have the same right -- my blood and property are inviolable. In exchange, their blood and property are also inviolable through this peace treaty. Their blood and property have no protection except through a peace treaty or a dhimmi pact. Thus Allah has commanded -- you can either accept it or reject it. 

Wafa Sultan: So when you travel to a Western land you consider it the land of Allah, and you want your beliefs to apply there? 

Omar Bakri: Yes. 

Wafa Sultan: You want to dictate to the native inhabitants of the country what they can do? 

Omar Bakri: I invite them, and if they accept the command of Allah, then they may do so. If they don't accept, and kick me out of the country, then we will fight against them. The relationship between us is either a pact of belief in Allah, or a peace treaty, or war. The general rule is that the blood and property of non-Muslims are permissible for us. Their blood and property are not inviolable. It is in their interest to have a peace treaty or dhimmi pact with me. It is in your interest, you who say that you do not believe in Islam, to accept that there be a peace treaty or dhimmi pact between us. The dhimmi pact falls under the Islamic shari'a, but the peace treaty does not subject you to the shari'a. That's the way it is. Either you accept it, or we live in a state of war. The general rule is that the blood and property of infidels are permissible for Muslims. The Prophet Muhammad even said, "I was sent to fight against the people until they testify that there is no god but Allah, and I am the apostle of Allah." Therefore if he said, "Their blood and property are inviolable from me," then their blood and property would be inviolable if they believed in Islam or accepted a peace treaty. It is either through faith or a peace treaty that man lives with his neighbor. But a Muslim coexists with an infidel either through a peace treaty, a dhimmi pact, or a state of war. This is the basic relationship between a Muslim and an infidel.

কোন মন্তব্য নেই:

একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন