বিশ্বজুড়ে মুসলিমদের বর্তমান দুর্দশার কারণ পশ্চিমা (তথা ইহুদি-নাসারা) ষড়যন্ত্র - বরাবরই এমন কৈফিয়ত পাওয়া যায় মুসলিমদের কাছ থেকে। তবে পাকিস্তানের কলাম-লেখক ও বিশ্লেষক হাসান নিসার এক টক-শোতে এ বিষয়ে বাস্তবসম্মত কিছু কারণ উল্লেখ করেছেন। পুরো ভিডিওর ট্র্যান্সক্রিপ্টই উল্লেখ করার মতো।
Blaming the west [for our failures] is due to damaged, defeatist and corrupted mentality.
Your whole history is filled with Muslims cutting each others' necks and fighting each other.
When you study history, be objective. If you twist history, only you will suffer, history will remain unchanged. Be honest so that you may be able to rectify your mistakes.
If you are unwilling to even admit your weaknesses, wrongdoings, crimes, sins, actions and bad performance, you will never get to improve and fix these problems.
Blaming the West, leave it! They are our rivals and competitors for a long time. So they are welcome to do anything they want! [fair-play]
We say that the West conspired against us. They have better intellect so they conspire against us. Why don't YOU do it too?
When you were powerful, you were expanding. Today they are powerful so they are expanding. When you had strength, you were imposing your own World order, today they are doing it. why are you crying [and whining]?
Don't abuse the West, look at yourself first!
This habit of turning everything into a conspiracy theory, searching for faults in the West and telling everyone that Muslims are the best [is wrong].
If West today is humiliating 1.4 billion Muslims, then use your brain, YOU ARE WRONG!. You are forgetting something, you are misguided. If your history and attitude are fine, you number 1.4 billion and are getting humiliated still, there is something terribly WRONG!
I have been writing this for a long time that Muslims need to move on from their Imperial past and Caliphate dreams. This attitude of "We are the best" has led us to failure.
Ignore our strengths. We already have those. Focus on the weaknesses, identify them and then rectify them. So that being so numerous, we Muslims are not constantly humiliated; something that has become part of being Muslim today.
লিংক পাঠিয়েছেন দিগম্বর পয়গম্বর। ভিডিওটি দেখে আমি তাঁকে আক্ষেপ করে বললাম, "কিন্তু মমিনরা তার কথা কি শুনবে?" তিনি জানালেন, "একটা সুবিধা, মুমিনরা উর্দু বোঝে"
কোন মন্তব্য নেই:
একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন